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Guide to Facial Recognition Access Control Systems

October 12, 2023

Too busy to read? Here’s a summary:

  • Facial recognition systems rely on complex machine-learning algorithms to provide uncompromised security at access points.
  • Once a facial recognition system has stored a person's facial data, it can identify that person and grant or deny access accordingly.

Facial recognition access control systems leverage unique biological data and advanced artificial intelligence to provide turbocharged security at restricted sites.

Keep on reading to explore facial recognition for access control, how it enhances security at organizations like yours, and how it works.

Applications of Facial Recognition for Access Control

Access control systems that use facial recognition are being adopted by office and apartment building managers for their top-grade reliability, resistance to thieves and hackers, and popularity with current and potential future occupants.

In heavily regulated sectors, such as education, government, and healthcare, these systems also support regulatory compliance by automatically storing audit trails.

Access Control Process for Facial Recognition

The process of using facial recognition for access control hinges on a series of interconnected steps, each underpinned by complex scientific algorithms and machine learning methodologies.

Step 1: Image Acquisition

The journey toward facial recognition begins with image acquisition.

High-definition cameras within the system capture an image or video frame containing a face for storage in an access control database.

The quality of the image captured is critical, which is why modern facial recognition systems employ infrared cameras for optimal results in different lighting conditions.

Step 2: Face Detection

Once a face has been added to the access control database, the system must be able to detect faces when they approach an access point. This step is called face detection. It involves the identification of human faces.

Sophisticated machine learning algorithms, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), account for factors like distance and angle to accurately detect faces.

Step 3: Preprocessing

The third step, preprocessing, improves the accuracy of all subsequent facial recognition steps.

It involves normalization (where faces are aligned to a standard size and orientation) and illumination correction (which helps improve image quality by adjusting lighting conditions).

Step 4: Feature Extraction

Feature extraction is at the heart of facial recognition.

It entails distilling the unique features of a detected face, such as the distance between eyes or the shape of a nose, into a numerical representation, known as a facial signature.

Step 5: Matching and Decision Making

The final step is matching and decision-making, where the facial signature is compared to faces stored in the system database using Euclidean distance or Cosine similarity measures.

Access is then granted or denied based on the face’s match with preprogrammed site authorizations.

Access control systems equipped with Adaptive and Self-Evolving Systems (ASES) technology are able to learn from each new access attempt. Continuous learning allows facial recognition systems to improve their algorithms over time for long-term accuracy.

Benefits of Facial Recognition Access Control Systems

Accurate Identification

Nothing is more crucial to a functioning access control system than its capacity to reliably identify individuals.

While traditional ID credentials—like key fobs and proximity cards—can be lost or stolen (and sometimes even cloned from as far as five feet), facial recognition systems resist hackers, thieves, and other bad actors by requiring the presentation of unique biological features for identification.

User and Administrator Convenience

With facial recognition, there's no need for keys, cards, or passcode memorization. When users present their own face instead of a physical key, the access process is secured and simplified for users and administrators alike.


By automatically logging access attempts and saving audit trails, these systems reduce time spent investigating security incidents and complying with audit trail regulations affecting many industries.


Because facial recognition systems are software-based, the number of faces stored in their database can usually be expanded without reconfiguration or a system upgrade.

Mammoth Security and Your Best Access Control

There’s a lot to consider when comparing the many access control systems and identification methods on the market. Facial recognition access control is just one of many options for entry management, and it isn’t suitable (or cost-effective) for all businesses and organizations.

For assistance finding and installing an access control system that’s ideal for your site’s unique layout, security needs, and budget, reach out to the professionals at Mammoth Security today.

Just fill out the simple blue form below for a 100% FREE, zero-obligation site survey and consultation with a friendly and knowledgeable security system engineer from our team.




Facial recognition access control uses advanced AI technology to identify individuals by analyzing their facial features. The system then grants or denies access based on a match with faces stored in a database.

Facial recognition for access control involves image acquisition, face detection, preprocessing, feature extraction, and decision-making. These processes distill unique facial features into a numerical representation, which is then compared with stored data for access decisions.

Facial recognition offers enhanced security by requiring unique biological features for identification. Unlike traditional systems, where credentials can be lost, stolen, or cloned, facial recognition minimizes such vulnerabilities by relying on biological information.

Many, but not all, facial recognition systems are reliable. You can trust that your system will function correctly and reliably by implementing cutting-edge access systems that are professionally installed by security experts like those on the team at Mammoth Security. Our facial recognition access control systems effectively resist hackers and thieves and provide accurate identification.

Facial recognition systems are gaining popularity across education, government, healthcare, and commercial building sectors due to their high reliability and support for automated regulatory compliance.

These systems employ complex scientific algorithms and machine learning methodologies, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), to detect and analyze faces. This ensures high accuracy in recognition and prevents bad actors from duping the system.

Advanced systems use Adaptive and Self-Evolving Systems (ASES) technology to learn from each recognition event. This continuous learning allows them to refine and improve their algorithms for long-term accuracy.

For users, facial recognition systems offer convenience as there's no need for physical keys, cards, or passcode memorization. They simply use their face as an identification method, streamlining the access process.

Reach out to experts like those on our team at Mammoth Security for a cost-effective access control system tailored to your site’s layout and security needs. Mammoth Security offers free site surveys and consultations.



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