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How to Keep Spiders, Wasps, Bees, and Birds Away from Security Cameras

January 26, 2024

Mammoth Brief

Too busy to read? Here’s a summary:

  • Keeping your security cameras free from nature's little intruders is all about being proactive. Regular maintenance, strategic camera placement, and a few clever deterrents can make a world of difference.
  • To prevent spiders and wasps from nesting on cameras, regularly clean the cameras and consider using natural insect repellents like peppermint oil or citrus. Installing a fake wasp nest can also deter wasps by making them think the territory is already claimed.
  • Effective methods to keep birds away from security cameras include using ultrasonic devices, which emit frequencies uncomfortable for birds, and installing bird spikes (which are more humane than they sound).

When it comes to maintaining the effectiveness of security cameras, dealing with nature's little creatures—like spiders, wasps, birds, and bees—can be a real headache. But don't worry; Mammoth Security has your back!

We're here to guide you through some tried-and-true methods to keep these uninvited guests at bay. After all, nobody wants their surveillance to be obscured by webs and nests. And with more than six million property crimes in the U.S. every year, according to the FBI, you need unobstructed security footage much more than outdoor critters need additional real estate.

The birds, the bees, the wasps, and the spiders can all find some other place to hang out or build homes.

That’s why, in today’s post, we’re shining a light on these creatures, why they like getting in front of cameras so much, the surveillance problems they cause, and how to kindly deter them from getting in the way of your security.

Understanding the Attraction

First things first, let's get down to why these creatures are so drawn to your cameras. It's not like they're running for public office or are active on social media. Other concerns motivate them.

Understanding the Attraction


Security cameras often provide a warm, sheltered spot—and that's just irresistible to spiders, wasps, and bees looking for new nesting grounds.

The Perfect Perch

Birds are beautiful; they mostly can fly, and they’re the only dinosaurs that have escaped extinction. They also like to perch on things like poles and eves to scout for food, take breaks, and sing a capella. We love birds over here at Mammoth Security, but sometimes they need to be dissuaded from setting up home on security cameras.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

Regular Cleaning: Your First Line of Defense

Keep those cameras squeaky clean. Regular cleaning ensures clear footage and disrupts early attempts at hive, nest, and web building.

A soft brush or a blast of compressed air can work wonders in keeping critters away.

Strategic Placement: Think Like a Bug

When installing commercial security camera systems, think about locations that are less appealing to our winged friends.

Avoid placing cameras near bright lights, which attract insects, including bees, at night.

Also, steer clear of known bird hangout spots like ledges.

Insect Repellents: The Gentle Persuasion

Consider using natural insect repellents around your cameras.

A dab of peppermint oil or citrus can deter spiders without damaging your equipment.

For wasps, a fake wasp nest nearby can trick them into thinking the territory's already taken.

Ultrasonic Devices: The Sound Solution

Ultrasonic devices can be a game-changer if your neighborhood birds and bugs like your cameras way too much.

Ultrasonic devices emit frequencies that are uncomfortable for birds and insects but completely inaudible to humans.

You can think of these gadgets as invisible force fields.

Physical Barriers: Your Safety Net

Mesh and Covers: The Simple Fix

A bit of hardware can go a long way.

Installing a fine mesh or specially designed covers around your cameras can prevent our flying friends from setting up shop.

Just make sure these additions don’t interfere with a camera's field of view or functionality.

Bird Spikes: Not as Scary as They Sound

Bird spikes sound like something out of the Spanish Inquisition, but they’re a humane way to keep birds from perching on your cameras.

These spikes are uncomfortable for birds but don't harm them.

When Nature Calls: Dealing with Existing Nests

Be Kind to (Most of) Your Winged Visitors

If you find a bird nest, it’s important to handle the situation delicately. Check local wildlife laws before proceeding. In many areas, it’s illegal to disturb bird nests during nesting season.

Also, be sensitive to bees, who have been having a bad time in recent years. They’re a crucial part of the ecosystem.

Call in the Pros

When it comes to wasps, call in professional pest control, and don’t feel bad about it. Wasps are merciless. They even go after babies!

Don’t risk your well-being over a wasp nest when pest control is just a phone call away.

Mammoth Security and Critter-Free Cameras

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With these tips, you’re all set to keep those pesky critters away from both wired and wireless commercial security cameras in tip-top shape. If you’ve got any more questions or need a hand with your commercial security needs, Mammoth Security is just a click away. Schedule a free site survey and consultation with an expert on our team by clicking to contact us and filling out the form.




Spiders, wasps, and birds are attracted to security cameras because they offer warm, sheltered spots ideal for nesting. Birds may also view cameras as convenient perches to scout for food, rest, and build nests.

Yes, ultrasonic devices can protect your commercial cameras from insects and birds. These devices emit frequencies that are uncomfortable for these creatures but inaudible to humans, acting like an invisible shield around your cameras.

If you find a nest on your security camera, handle the situation delicately. For bird nests, check local wildlife laws before proceeding, as it may be illegal to disturb them. For wasp nests, it's best to call in professional pest control for safe removal.

Natural repellents like peppermint oil or citrus work best for keeping spiders away from security cameras. These can be applied around the cameras without damaging the equipment.

Yes, bird spikes are a safe and humane method to deter birds from security cameras. They make perching uncomfortable for birds without causing them harm, encouraging them to find other spots.

Strategic placement plays a crucial role in preventing critters from accessing security cameras. By installing cameras away from bright lights and known bird hangout spots, you can make them less attractive.

It's important to check local wildlife laws before removing bird nests from security cameras, as it may be illegal to disturb bird nests during nesting season.

If you encounter a large wasp nest on your security camera, it's best to call in professional pest control for safe and effective removal. Wasps can be cruel, so prioritize safety first.

Ultrasonic devices help protect security cameras by emitting frequencies that are uncomfortable for birds and insects but inaudible to humans, effectively creating invisible barriers around cameras.

Regular cleaning of commercial security cameras offers the benefits of ensuring clear footage and disrupting settlements by spiders, wasps, bees, and birds.



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