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Guide to Keyless Entry System for Business

November 2, 2023

Too busy to read? Here’s a short summary:

  • A keyless entry system for business is a modern security solution that replaces traditional lock-and-key mechanisms with digital technology.
  • A keyless entry system enhances business security by eliminating the risks associated with lost, stolen, or duplicated keys.
  • Keyless systems offer features like encrypted signals, multi-factor authentication, and real-time tracking, making them a more secure option than mechanical lock-and-key systems.

Lock-and-key systems are rapidly being replaced by businesses and institutions large and small. This is because their keyless counterparts are easier to manage and offer encryption and other advanced security features.

With so much interest in keyless entry (also known as access control) these days, our team at Mammoth Security has put together this guide. From the benefits of keyless entry to types and installation tips, we've got you covered.

Why Keyless Entry Systems Are the Future of Business Security

Switching to a keyless entry system for your business is a smart move in today's digital age. Not only do keyless systems enhance security, they provide a level of convenience and efficiency that old-fashioned lock-and-key systems can't match.

The Downfall of Traditional Locks

Traditional lock-and-key systems have been around for centuries, but they're not without their flaws. Keys can be lost, duplicated, or even stolen. Keyless entry systems, on the other hand, offer robust security features like encryption and multi-factor authentication.

The Rise of Digital Security

Keyless entry systems eliminate many of the problems associated with traditional locks. They're harder to tamper with and offer features like remote access, user tracking, and easy deactivation in case of lost or stolen 'keys.' In essence, they provide businesses and institutions with a streamlined, secure approach to managing entries.

Audit Trails

Unlike mechanical lock-and-key systems, where reliably tracking who accessed what and when is nearly impossible, keyless systems log every entry and exit.

This data is crucial for security audits, investigations, and employee monitoring. Audit trails are particularly useful in sensitive areas of a business, such as financial departments or data centers, where a security breach can have severe consequences. With an audit trail, you can easily identify any unauthorized or suspicious activity.

Automated audit trails also support compliance with industry-specific regulations, such as HIPAA.

The Environmental Impact

Keyless entry systems are generally more eco-friendly than mechanical lock-and-key systems. They eliminate the need for physical keys (which are often made of metal and plastic) and most can be integrated with energy-efficient HVAC and lighting systems.

Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness

While the initial investment in a keyless entry system can be substantial, the long-term benefits often outweigh the costs. Think about it: fewer expenses for duplicating keys, changing locks, and administrative micromanagement, let alone the potentially devastating fallout of a security breach. These savings add up over time, making investments in keyless entry a sound financial decision.

Types of Keyless Entry Systems for Business

Biometric Systems

Biometric systems require unique biological features, such as fingerprints and iris patterns, to identify individuals at entry points. While biometric credential systems provide the greatest security, they can be expensive to install. And by storing personal biological data from individuals, they’re significantly more invasive than other keyless identification options.

Card Systems

Card systems (involving smart cards, proximity cards, or contact cards) are the most commonly used keyless credentials. Cards have a log going for them. In particular, they’re relatively affordable and easy to use.

However, card systems aren’t foolproof. If an employee loses their card, anyone who finds it can gain access until the card has been reported lost and deactivated.

Mobile App-Based Systems

Smartphones are everywhere these days, so it makes sense to use them as keys. Mobile app-based systems use near-field communication (NFC) or Bluetooth signals to transmit identifying data from smartphones to door readers. The greatest downside to using mobile credentials is that an employee must have their phone with them and charged at all times.

Keypad Systems

Keypad systems are the old faithful of keyless entry systems. They're straightforward, cost-effective, and easy to install. However, they're also the easiest to crack and are vulnerable to “shoulder surfing.” Shoulder surfing refers to the act of an unauthorized person discovering a PIN or other credential by watching over an authorized user’s shoulder while an entry code is entered.

Guide to Keyless Entry Systems for Business: Choosing the Right One

Selecting the right keyless entry system for your business is crucial. Here are some factors to consider:

Security Needs: Evaluate the level of security your business requires. For high-security areas, mobile Bluetooth or biometric systems are ideal and should be combined with other credential requirements for multi-factor authentication. For less sensitive areas, card readers or keypads alone may be enough.

Budget: High-end systems, such as those based on biometric credentials, often come with a hefty price tag. Make sure to balance your security needs with your budget constraints.

Ease of Use: A system that's too complicated will frustrate administrators and end users, increasing the likelihood of security lapses. Be sure to choose one that's user-friendly.

Scalability: As your business grows, your security system should be able to grow with it. Look for systems that are easy to upgrade or expand.

Installation and Maintenance Tips

Once you've chosen a system, the next steps are installation and maintenance. Here's a quick guide:

Consult a Professional: The installation of a keyless entry system is not a DIY project. Hire a professional to assess your needs and install the system without error for maximum effectiveness and reliability.

Employee Training: An untrained employee can be a security risk. Make sure system administrators and end users know how to use the new system and the features available to them.

Regular Updates and Maintenance: Just like any other piece of technology, your keyless entry system needs regular updates and maintenance to protect against emerging security threats.

Mammoth Security and Keyless Entry

Thanks for reading! We hope this guide to keyless entry systems can serve as a solid foundation for informed decision-making regarding your entry management infrastructure.

Our team here at Mammoth Security has the experience and know-how to help you through the entire process of a keyless entry upgrade—from selecting the right products to installation and programming. We even provide complimentary staff training after installation to ensure that the systems we install are effectively leveraged.

If you’re ready to take the next step toward a more secure future, click to contact us and fill out the form. We’ll arrange a zero-obligation, FREE site survey and consultation with a friendly and knowledgeable expert from our team. By understanding your site’s unique physical layout, workflows, and security needs, we’re able to customize effective and convenient keyless systems for you—no matter how simple or complex the project.




The types of keyless entry systems available for businesses include biometric systems, card-based systems, mobile app-based systems, and keypad systems.

In a keyless entry setup, biometric systems use unique biological features like fingerprints or iris patterns to identify individuals and grant or deny access according to preprogrammed rules and authorization lists. Biometric systems are considered the most secure form of access control, but they can be invasive and are often relatively expensive.

Mobile app-based keyless entry systems, such as those that transmit identifying data to door readers in the form of NFC or Bluetooth electronic signals, are more secure than most card-based systems. Bluetooth signals are particularly secure because devices much be intentionally paired together before they communicate. This adds an extra layer of security. However, Bluetooth, NFC, and other mobile credentials all have one big downside: a user must have their own charged smartphone with them any time they approach a mobile-based entry point.

Keyless entry systems are generally more eco-friendly than traditional systems. They eliminate the need for physical keys, which are often made of non-biodegradable materials like metal and plastic, and they can usually be integrated with energy-efficient building management systems, such as smart HVAC and lighting systems.

Yes, most modern keyless entry systems can be integrated with other security systems, such as alarms and CCTV surveillance systems. System integration allows for a more comprehensive, reliable, and intelligent security infrastructure.

The cost of installing a keyless entry system varies depending on the type of system and the complexity of the setup. While initial costs can be high, especially for advanced systems like biometrics, the long-term benefits justify the investment.

Maintaining a keyless entry system involves regular software updates, hardware checks, and employee training. It's crucial to keep the system updated to protect against emerging security threats.



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